Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Kids say the funniest things...

So, after Nicholas having a couple of reactions to a variety of foods, a cat and being miserable this fall Dave and I decided that we best have him tested for allergies. It turns out the poor kid is allergic to almost everything...including dust. Do you know what this means for me...I MUST step up the cleaning or hire a housekeeper. I prefer to go with the later of the two. Anyway, we now know and knowing is half the battle, correct? As Nick and I were talking the other evening he told me that Madi was a boy. I looked at him and said "Nick, you know that Madi is a little girl!" Then I broke out the "boys have a penis and girls do not(I couldn't go as far as telling him the girl part)." He then looked at me and said..."Mom, you know I can't have peanuts because they make me sick." Well, so much for me trying to use the technical terms...back to calling it a weenie! Can you believe he is going to be 3 on December 1st!!! Until next time...wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving!!!


Carissa said...

Just so you know...your kids are adorable!

jjbaker9972 said...

Thats my boy!!!!!!!!!

Lori said...

Happy Birthday to your little guy!!! And that story had me in tears! My mom has a similiar story with Jayce refusing to order a "Girlz Cheese" sandwich. He wanted "Boyz Cheese!" :)

Love ya!