Monday, August 31, 2009

The last trip of the summer

That's right - the last trip of the summer. Hard to believe that it is over already! We went on our last camping trip to Olson's Campground just north of Maple Lake. We were joined by Tina, Nathan and the girls and Tom and Carrie and the kids. The Baker's and Eric and Carissa had busy weekends but were able to get out to visit for a little on Saturday night. The boys spent a lot of their time fishing and the girls spent a lot of their time taking Madi for rides and playing at the playground. I was amazed at how content Nick was on the end of the dock fishing even though they were not catching many fish. I think he really had fun - he told me he couldn't wait until he could go ice fishing (he is definitely his fathers child!!!).

It was a great way to end the summer, lots of playing, fishing, swimming and of course Cheetos!!! Nicks FAVORITE treat!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Carnivals, Fairs and Tractor shows

Last week the Eckhoff's were a busy family. A little too busy for me. Nick began his morning by asking what do we get to do tonight? I really just wanted to say...absolutely NOTHING but that wasn't the case last week. Monday we all went to the Corn Carnival. The kids had fun watching the parade and even going on a couple of rides. They are still at the age were I can tell them that they can go on one ride and after that you are done - well, I kind of bribed them with ice cream also. A couple days after the Corn Carnival we decided to hit the Wright County fair mostly because I like to see the kids go through the animal barns and squeal at all the animals. You would think they have never seen farm animals before. Especially Madi, she walked right up to a big old cow to say "hi" and give it a friendly pet. She does have access to them at any time she would like but then again maybe that is why she likes them so much.

From the carnival and fair we went to the Forest City Thrasher show and parade. Richard and Judy fixed up their 1941 LA Case Tractor and a 1942 V Case Tractor to display in the parade. The kids loved seeing Grandma and Grandpa in the parade and I think they were excited to see the kids. While Nick was off playing in the sand box(because we don't have one of those at home???) Madi was with Dave checking out Grandpa's tractors.

From Forest City we went out to Grandma and Grandpa Rozeski's for a clean up day only we missed the "clean up" part. So, we mainly just went to say "hi" to everyone and catch up. Finally there was Sunday, after catching up on some much needed housework we headed in to town to celebrate Aubrie's birthday. It was a beautiful day! This week is looking much better; therefore, I will blog! Hope everyone is having a good week.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Eckhoff Family Camping 2009

Well we are winding down on our summer camping trips. Last weekend we had the Eckhoff family camping trip. We went up to Scenic Point Resort on Clitherall Lake. What a beautiful lake. Unfortunately the weather wasn't the best. As always we made the best of it and realized that Nick really doesn't care if the sun is out or not he was going swimming!

The kids stayed busy playing ball, riding bike, coloring with sidewalk chalk, playing at the park and of course swimming. Madi was busy digging in the sand and Nick was busy swimming and even went tubing for the first time. He was really brave - I am almost certain that I was WAY more nervous than he was but I tried not to let it show. I was really proud of him because just a month ago I could barely get him in the water he was so scared. We have come a long way in a month. One more camping trip to go and then we will probably be shutting the camper down for the year. Hope the summer is going well for everyone!!