Wednesday, December 8, 2010

5 Already...

My baby turned 5 on December 1st. It was a very exciting day or maybe I should say week for Nicholas. We celebrated his birthday on Wednesday letting him open his presents from us and then on to daycare were they celebrated some more with cupcakes then on to AWANA were Nick thought the entire evening was a celebration for him (I just let him go on thinking that) and then through the 3+ inches of snow that had already fallen all the family came out for a birthday celebration of Friday night. Over all I say it was a successful 5th birthday. We love you buddy!!!

The morning of Nick's Birthday

Grandpa and Grandma got Nick a John Deere bike...although when he first saw it he didn't really have a reaction when everybody left for the evening he decided to try it out...him and Madi came up with some good tricks. It will be interesting to see what kind of tricks he comes up with this spring when he can actually ride it outside.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Fun in Forest City

On Saturday Dave and I took the kids to the stockaid in Forest City for a little winter wonderland. The weather was wonderful and there was about 9 inches of fresh snow to even make it more fun! We got to see Santa and go on a sleigh ride. I don't have a picture to post with the kids and Santa because they wanted NOTHING to do with him. Nick hung on to my leg tightly and told me "you can't make me go see him...he can keep my lego's and zu-zu pet" so I figured he really didn't want to see the big guy! So, on we went walking through the old cabins and learning some history. I think I had more fun than anyone else - I could have spent a couple more hours there just sitting in the cabins in front of the wood stove, smelling the fry bread, hot apple cider and gingerbread cookies!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Nicholas and Madilyn

I had to put a picture on just so you wouldn't open my blog and see a dead deer!! Hope everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving - this year we truely have many things to be thankful for!!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

First for everything...

1. First year hunting with a firearm
2. First time shooting a deer
3. First time having stitches

As I was sitting in my deer stand on Saturday morning in 30 mph winds freezing my butt off I thought to myself "tell me again why people do this?" It wasn't until Sunday evening when I shot a nice buck that I realized why people do this. My first deer came at a price...a trip to the ER and 15 stitches on the inside and 15 stitches on the outside of a gash on my forehead. I am told that it is not uncommon for this to happen one gets "buck fever" and thinks more about shooting the deer than the "proper" way to hold your shotgun. Needless to say I didn't have the butt of the gun tight enough against my shoulder and when it kicked back the butt came off of my shoulder and the scope hit me right above my eyebrow. I didn't even bother listening or looking for the deer I just headed back for the house and kept calling Dave so he wouldn't panic when he saw me with blood coming down my forhead. He took me in to the ER were the Dr took good care of me and stitched me up! While at the hospital Dave had his Dad and Nephew out looking of the deer and when they found it I was thrilled...I didn't want all the stitches in my forehead and no deer to show for it=) The kids didn't really care about my trip to the ER they just wanted to see the deer. Nick told Dave that he can't wait until he can go hunting with me...I told Nick that it was beginners luck and that he should stick to hunting with his Dad when it comes time.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

3 Years Old

Finding time to post a blog is becomming very rare in this much to do and not enough time in the day to do it. So, I will keep it short and sweet=) My baby girl just turned 3 on September 20th. Time sure does fly!! We had family over and of course Madi received all sorts of wonderful gifts. She is just getting so big! This past Sunday at church she looked at me and said "Mom, you don't have to walk me to my class, I am a big girl now!" My baby isn't a baby anymore!

Monday, August 2, 2010

I knew this day would come...

Sunday I returned home from a nice trip to St. Cloud(I even got to go all by myself) and I walked in to the toy room were the kids were playing ever so nicely to find BOTH Nick and Madi pregnant and having babies??? As they put it "look Mom we have a baby in our belly, oh and now it is coming out!" Thank goodness they think that babies comes out of the bottom of the shirt. I told Dave about it and he just laughed and said "well, what do you expect they have 2 Aunts that are pregnant!" I knew this day would come and I am just happy that they didn't ask any additional questions. I don't know if I am ready for that yet!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Summer is flying by!

One of Nick and Madi's favorite things to do is to take a walk through Grandpa Richard's alfalfa field, I am thankful this year that it isn't least I can see them in an alfalfa field. Next year may be a different story!

This summer is just flying by with all our camping trips and just keeping up with life. Our garden is growing at full speed ahead! I have started the sauerkraut process and cucumbers so far. Thankfully the hail storm that dented Dave's work truck and the north side of our home didn't destroy the garden. Mother nature and I need to have a serious chat...I don't even have a chance to not like the color or our roof or siding and then she goes and puts some dents in it=) I like to think that have have certain powers but controlling Mother Nature is not one of them!! We have one more weekend to go then up to Lax Lake in Silver Bay we go. That is the annual Eckhoff camping trip that we are going to extend for a couple of days and turn into our family trip. On our way home that Sunday we are going to stop in Duluth and stay at Indian Point Campground for a couple of nights. There is so much to do in Duluth so I know that we will not run out of things to do. Lax Lake is a ways away but it is one of my favorite places to go so if anyone is ever looking for a quiet, secluded, absolutely beautiful place to camp check it out.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Winstock 2010

2010 Winstock proved to be a good time rain or shine! We had a total of nine campsites this year and next year we are increasing it by two more! I am looking forward to it already! We all enjoyed good music, good food and drinks and especially good friends. Can't go wrong with that combination!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

You are so beautiful to me...

I had my hair colored last night and when I asked Nick what he thought of it he started singing this for me=) He is a quick learner when it comes to giving the correct answer and being a charming little boy!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Camping Season has officially arrived

When Dave asked what I would like to do for Mother's Day that was easy for me to answer! The weather has been beautiful lately so why not go camping? Well, as I watched the weather all week I knew that we wouldn't be getting so lucky...was that going to stop any of us? Not a chance! It helps that we all have campers that have the same amenity's that our homes have so what is a little rain? We went camping with the Thompson's and kids, Eric and Carissa and Tom, Carrie and kids. Friday afternoon was spent setting up, chopping wood and sitting around the fire.

The rain didn't really slow any of the kids down...we all planned accordingly. We brought our winter jackets, hats and gloves and we were good to go. Madi even went fishing although I am not sure what she does is called fishing. On Sunday she actually caught a fish. They already have telling fish tales down because when I ask Nick or Madi how big the fish were that they caught they are at least 12 inches when really I am not sure they even made 5 inches. You have to look very carefully at the picture to see the fish. Of course they don't care they are kids and all they care is that they are out fishing.

All the kids enjoyed fishing, playing at the playground and hanging out with each other. Usually Madi is a pretty vocal little girl and this is the first weekend that I have been around that I didn't really hear her at all...she was too busy to notice that she wasn't by my side.

I have always told Dave that I wanted to do a little fall camping and this weekend may have been in that category but I also put it in the category of a successful camping trip! Next up Garrison for Memorial Weekend! Lets hope for 70's at least!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

They really do like each other...

Madi came to me one day and told me that she was ready to go to the wedding(who's I don't know) and then Nick told me he was ready also. I am not sure the "will trade sister for tractor" shirt is appropriate for a wedding but I thought it was totally appropriate for a picture!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Girls weekend with the Eckhoff's

This past weekend I got to spend the weekend with my sisters from the Eckhoff side! I am so lucky to have them! They are such a great group of women. The weekend was filled with lots of girl talk, laughing, relaxing and I even learned some new things that I didn't know and I have been with the Eckhoff family for 14 years! Last year Carrie bought us all hollywood shades and this is what she came up with this year...back to the 80's shades. Thanks girls for a wonderful weekend...I look forward to next year already!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Trying to catch up!

Last weekend the Chap family took their annual Holiday Inn weekend! Every year Dad gets us a gift certificate so we all go and stay for the weekend. It is always a fun time and this year we even had a three more join us for the fun. Carissa's brother Josh, his wife Erin and their little guy Carter came for the night also. Madi was in heaven because she just can't get enough of babies! All she wanted to do was hold baby Carter! We all had a fun time and of course look forward to next year!

In January Dave and I had the pleasure of going to Las Vegas with the Producers Hybrid group. It was a great way for me to meet the people that he works with, their wives and some of the customers. To me this was NOT the normal "work" trip. The very first night we were there we had to be in the hospitality room to meet and greet but after that we were free to do what we wanted. In Vegas I don't know if a person can ever run out of things to do. My favorite by far was our trip to the Grand Canyon! What a beautiful sight to is a must! Anyone who gets out there should go see it. Words and pictures can not even describe the beauty AND the very, very, very, very...(I don't think I need to go on!) long way down! I didn't get too close to the edge but one of the guys we were with was more of a dare devil and was standing right next to the ledge(no fence?) made me nauseous just watching him! It was a great trip and I can't wait to see what the next fun event with the Producers group will be!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

A 4 year old and his imagination

I think the picture says it all...if Dad won't take me fishing I will find an alternative for the time being! Luckily Dave and Nick have gotten out for some fishing - not always successful but I don't really think Nick cares! Some Dad time and snackerels is a good day for Nick!