Sunday, February 14, 2010

Trying to catch up!

Last weekend the Chap family took their annual Holiday Inn weekend! Every year Dad gets us a gift certificate so we all go and stay for the weekend. It is always a fun time and this year we even had a three more join us for the fun. Carissa's brother Josh, his wife Erin and their little guy Carter came for the night also. Madi was in heaven because she just can't get enough of babies! All she wanted to do was hold baby Carter! We all had a fun time and of course look forward to next year!

In January Dave and I had the pleasure of going to Las Vegas with the Producers Hybrid group. It was a great way for me to meet the people that he works with, their wives and some of the customers. To me this was NOT the normal "work" trip. The very first night we were there we had to be in the hospitality room to meet and greet but after that we were free to do what we wanted. In Vegas I don't know if a person can ever run out of things to do. My favorite by far was our trip to the Grand Canyon! What a beautiful sight to is a must! Anyone who gets out there should go see it. Words and pictures can not even describe the beauty AND the very, very, very, very...(I don't think I need to go on!) long way down! I didn't get too close to the edge but one of the guys we were with was more of a dare devil and was standing right next to the ledge(no fence?) made me nauseous just watching him! It was a great trip and I can't wait to see what the next fun event with the Producers group will be!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

A 4 year old and his imagination

I think the picture says it all...if Dad won't take me fishing I will find an alternative for the time being! Luckily Dave and Nick have gotten out for some fishing - not always successful but I don't really think Nick cares! Some Dad time and snackerels is a good day for Nick!