Friday, May 14, 2010

You are so beautiful to me...

I had my hair colored last night and when I asked Nick what he thought of it he started singing this for me=) He is a quick learner when it comes to giving the correct answer and being a charming little boy!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Camping Season has officially arrived

When Dave asked what I would like to do for Mother's Day that was easy for me to answer! The weather has been beautiful lately so why not go camping? Well, as I watched the weather all week I knew that we wouldn't be getting so lucky...was that going to stop any of us? Not a chance! It helps that we all have campers that have the same amenity's that our homes have so what is a little rain? We went camping with the Thompson's and kids, Eric and Carissa and Tom, Carrie and kids. Friday afternoon was spent setting up, chopping wood and sitting around the fire.

The rain didn't really slow any of the kids down...we all planned accordingly. We brought our winter jackets, hats and gloves and we were good to go. Madi even went fishing although I am not sure what she does is called fishing. On Sunday she actually caught a fish. They already have telling fish tales down because when I ask Nick or Madi how big the fish were that they caught they are at least 12 inches when really I am not sure they even made 5 inches. You have to look very carefully at the picture to see the fish. Of course they don't care they are kids and all they care is that they are out fishing.

All the kids enjoyed fishing, playing at the playground and hanging out with each other. Usually Madi is a pretty vocal little girl and this is the first weekend that I have been around that I didn't really hear her at all...she was too busy to notice that she wasn't by my side.

I have always told Dave that I wanted to do a little fall camping and this weekend may have been in that category but I also put it in the category of a successful camping trip! Next up Garrison for Memorial Weekend! Lets hope for 70's at least!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

They really do like each other...

Madi came to me one day and told me that she was ready to go to the wedding(who's I don't know) and then Nick told me he was ready also. I am not sure the "will trade sister for tractor" shirt is appropriate for a wedding but I thought it was totally appropriate for a picture!!