Wednesday, December 8, 2010

5 Already...

My baby turned 5 on December 1st. It was a very exciting day or maybe I should say week for Nicholas. We celebrated his birthday on Wednesday letting him open his presents from us and then on to daycare were they celebrated some more with cupcakes then on to AWANA were Nick thought the entire evening was a celebration for him (I just let him go on thinking that) and then through the 3+ inches of snow that had already fallen all the family came out for a birthday celebration of Friday night. Over all I say it was a successful 5th birthday. We love you buddy!!!

The morning of Nick's Birthday

Grandpa and Grandma got Nick a John Deere bike...although when he first saw it he didn't really have a reaction when everybody left for the evening he decided to try it out...him and Madi came up with some good tricks. It will be interesting to see what kind of tricks he comes up with this spring when he can actually ride it outside.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Fun in Forest City

On Saturday Dave and I took the kids to the stockaid in Forest City for a little winter wonderland. The weather was wonderful and there was about 9 inches of fresh snow to even make it more fun! We got to see Santa and go on a sleigh ride. I don't have a picture to post with the kids and Santa because they wanted NOTHING to do with him. Nick hung on to my leg tightly and told me "you can't make me go see him...he can keep my lego's and zu-zu pet" so I figured he really didn't want to see the big guy! So, on we went walking through the old cabins and learning some history. I think I had more fun than anyone else - I could have spent a couple more hours there just sitting in the cabins in front of the wood stove, smelling the fry bread, hot apple cider and gingerbread cookies!