Saturday, January 24, 2009

Goodnight Moon

In the great green room there was a telephone and a red balloon and a picture of - if you have children you know how the story goes and even if you don't you still may know how the story goes. Dave, Nick, Jesse, Jack, Izzy and I went to the Stages Theatre in Hopkins today to see the production of Goodnight Moon and I must say myself that I really enjoyed it. You may ask yourself, "how can you get a play out of a book that takes all of two minutes to read?" Well, they did and they did a great job at it. There was only one time during the play that Nick turned to me and asked if he could have a treat for sitting nice otherwise he sat the entire time and watched in amazement. I think I could have just sat and watched him. He truly did love it. He then saw an advertisement for the Wizard of Oz which will not be there until June and didn't want to leave because he wanted to watch the Wizard of Oz...assuming I could just put the movie in? So we will be heading back in June to see the Wizard of Oz. Madi got to spend the day with Grandma and Grandpa Eckhoff - she was so happy to go there. She did manage to give me a kiss good bye but I am surprised I even got that. I think she likes Grandma and Grandpa all to herself!

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